I feel honoured to recive this award today from Stef at the Glitterbabe Greetings a big thank you to Stef , pop by and see her amazing work.
I have pass this on to 7 people and list 7 favourite things about me. So first, here are the 7 people I pass this award to: Sally, Vicki, Emma, Linnie, Donna, Alison, and Lim
I have pass this on to 7 people and list 7 favourite things about me. So first, here are the 7 people I pass this award to: Sally, Vicki, Emma, Linnie, Donna, Alison, and Lim
They all give me insperation and have been so helpful and I thank you for that.
7 things ohh thats hard!
1. My dear husband who has the patience of a saint.
2. My grandchildren who keep me young and make me laugh.
3. My mom who I love and miss very much.
4. All the wonderful blogger friends who I have met.
5. My new found craft which I love.
6. Having a Gin and Tonic in the garden before dinner.
7. Shopping, well what can I say about this, love it, craft shop here we come.
Thank you again Stef.
Thanks for the great award. 7 people this time. Wow!
Thank you, Linda, my friend! I am off to post this in my blog along with my 7 things and pass it along to 7 people!
You are very welcome, Linda. You really make me smile every time I visit! So, THANK YOU!
Thank you so SO much Linda for this award. It is my first one ever!! I feel very honoured - you made my day!! :)
I am blogging it now :)
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