Today I was given the award below by Jacque of Detailed 4U Collections, thank you for thinking of me Jacque, this is one very talented lady pop over to her place and see for yourself.
Now I have to give this to five other people but before I do this here are the rules.
Here are the steps:
Now I have to give this to five other people but before I do this here are the rules.
Here are the steps:
Say one nice thing about the man in your life,
This is hard because I want to say many things, I think this says it all, I love you because your you.
This is hard because I want to say many things, I think this says it all, I love you because your you.
List six ways in which you measure success in your life
1. Husband
2. Family
3. Dear Friends
4. Home
5. Faith in Others
6. Enjoying life and my Craft.
It's very hard to pick only five blogs as everyone is very creative and very talented.
Linnie at http://linniepink.blogspot.com/
Nicky at http://bunny-zoes.blogspot.com/
Juniejo at http://juniejocards.blogspot.com/
Veronica at http://artbyveronica.blogspot.com/
Mina at http://pinkpuds.blogspot.com/
Linnie at http://linniepink.blogspot.com/
Nicky at http://bunny-zoes.blogspot.com/
Juniejo at http://juniejocards.blogspot.com/
Veronica at http://artbyveronica.blogspot.com/
Mina at http://pinkpuds.blogspot.com/
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Linda you are such a darling !!! Thank you so much !!!! YOU ROCK !!!
Congratulations on receiving your award Linda and thank you so much for thinking of me. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Big Hugs, Nikki x
Good for you! I got one of these today myself! Who loves ya, baby???
To answer your question on the flower sticker - CraFt store. Any craft store - Hobby Lobby, Joann's, Michaels.
{{hugs}} to you my friend!!!
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